Committee Meeting Minutes for 1987

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held in the Senior Common Room of Andrew Melville Hall, University of St Andrews, at 8.30 p.m. on 2nd April 1987.

I T Adamson, J F Adams, R J Allenby, T S Blyth, C M Campbell, J J O'Connor, D K Oates, R W Odoni, A R Pears, R Y Sharp, D Strauss, P Vámos, T A Whitelaw, F J Yeadon, R R Laxton.
  1. Professor P Vámos was elected chairman and Dr D K Oates secretary. The Exeter organising committee would appoint a treasurer.
  2. The minutes of the committee meeting at Hull were approved, with the addition of Dr Allenby's name, and the comment that a loss had been deliberately made at the request of the B.M.C. committee.
  3. Matters arising.
    Light lunches. Professor Blyth reported that, as requested lunches had been provided, on a buffet system, with a wide selection possible to suit individual needs. It was agreed that where local circumstances permitted some such alternative should be maintained. Several members commented on the excellence of the food at St. Andrews.
  4. B.M.C. Finances.
    (a) Hull. Dr Yeadon did not wish to defend his institution's charge of £250 for unspecified administrative expenses although he had been obliged to pay it. The committee supported his action.

    The committee re-affirmed their gratitude to host institutions, but felt that they should expect to provide the services of their academic staff and regular secretarial help without charge, although clearly quantified additional expenses, such as secretarial overtime, could be paid.

    (b) St Andrews. Dr O'Connor anticipated a profit in the region of £1000, arising largely from membership about 35 more than the 200 budgeted for. The registration fee could have been £10 instead of £12 and the "full package" £60 rather than £64.

    More research students had attended this year, but to ease administration the concessionary rate should remain non-zero. The late fee did not appear to be an undue deterrent and should continue.

    (c) Exeter. Dr Pears and Dr Adamson re-affirmed the policy of the L.M.S. and E.M.S. that the cash balance of the B.M.C. should be gradually reduced to £3000 by suitable concessions and expenditure to encourage the mathematical objectives of the colloquium.
  5. Future Meetings.
    Dates for Bath were not yet available. Professor Wright had agreed to invite the B.M.C. to Reading in 1993. It was agreed to approach University College, Cardiff, for 1994, with U.M.I.S.T. as alternative.
  6. Speakers for 1988.
    Following long and helpful discussion, lists were passed to the Exeter organising committee for consideration. The chairman raised the question of inviting speakers from countries where passport and other problems might interfere with travel arrangements, and expressed his hope that one day the BMC might be addressed by, for example, a Soviet mathematician. All agreed with these sentiments but several members pointed out that it is vitally important to make early and definite arrangements. It was felt that the possibility of taking advantage of the changing climate in the Soviet Union should be explored. It was also agreed that, in addition to the three evening speakers, one other expenses-paid morning speaker from Europe could be invited.
  7. Letter to Chairmen of S.E.R.C. and S.B.S.
    Following approval of Dr M C R Butler's motion at the General Meeting, Professor Vámos agreed to send a letter on behalf of the B.M.C., expressing suitably qualified thanks for assistance in bringing about the government's recent decision to give additional funds for scientific research. (Copies subsequently displayed on Notice Board.)
  8. The committee unanimously approved a vote of thanks to the St Andrews secretary, chairman and committee for their efforts in organising a most successful colloquium.
Minutes signed by David Oates - 3.4.87.

Committee at St Andrews Meeting (number of years' service in brackets)

J F Adams (1) Cambridge
R W K Odoni (2) Exeter
I T A C Adamson E.M.S.
A R Pears L.M.S.
R B J T Allenby (3) Leeds
R Y Sharp L.M.S.
T S Blyth (2) St Andrews
D Strauss (3) Hull
C M Campbell (2) St Andrews
P Vámos (1) Exeter
R R Laxton (1) Nottingham
T A Whitelaw E.M.S.
D K Oates (1) Exeter
F J Yeadon (2) Hull
J J O'Connor (4) St Andrews

Future Meetings

1989 Nottingham (3-7 April)
1990 East Anglia (2-6 April)
1991 Bath (1-5 April)
1992 Strathclyde
1993 Reading