British Mathematical Colloquium

This was held at East Anglia: 3-5 April 1990.

The enrolment was 210.

Organisers were A Camina

Minutes of meetings, etc. are available at the links below

The plenary speakers were:

Feit, W The construction of Galois groups
Graham, R Arithmetic progressions: from Hilbert to Shelah
Taylor, S J What is a fractal?

The morning speakers were:

Barlow, M Random walks and diffusion on fractals
Benson, D Cohomology and representations of finite groups
Chen, W W L Irregularities of distributions
Chetwynd, A G Colouring graphs
Donkin, S Reductive group actions and representations in characteristic p
Ellis, G Algebraic models of topological spaces
Gray, J J The rise of complex analysis
Halberstam, H Sums of integer sets and long arithmetic progressions
Kropholler, P H Ends amalgams and HNN extensions
May, D
Plymen, R J Arithmetic aspects of operator algebras
Prest, M Y Module theory and modules
Stephens, N M Applications of number theory in cryptography
Wilkie, A J Some topics in applied model theory