British Mathematical Colloquium

This was held at Sheffield: 8-12 April 1980.

The enrolment was 340.

Organisers were D Northcott

Minutes of meetings, etc. are available at the links below

The plenary speakers were:

Buchsbaum, D Hilbert revisited: matrices and syzygies
Fuglede, B The fine topology in potential theory
Mumford, D Abelian varieties and dynamical systems

The morning speakers were:

Biggs, N L Graphs and symmetry
Bushnell, C J Galois-module structure in number fields
Carter, R W Complex representation theory of finite Chevalley groups
Dales, H G Radical Banach algebras
Devlin, K J The axiom of constructability
Elliott, R J The variational priciple and stochastic control
Hayman, W K Value distribution of functions meromorphic in an angle
Horrocks, G Algebraic vector bundles
James, G D Tensors in characteristic p
Lenagan, T H Krull dimension of Noetherian rings
McLeod, J B Connection problems for ordinary differential equations
Madsen, Ib Representations of finite groups by homeomorphisms of spheres
Nair, M Newman's proof of the prime number theorem
O'Farrell, A G Qualitative rational approximations on plane compacta
Seymour, R M Generalised equivariant cohomology theories and the Kunneth formula
Wall, C T C Topological stability of smooth manifolds
Wassermann, A S Representations of inseparable C*-algebras
Welsh, D J A Computing and combinatorics